09 novembra, 2016

Allinpackaging - more than empty bottles

Slovak/English version

Tento rok sa mi síce nepodarilo cestovať ďalej ako do susednej krajiny, sem-tam sa ale ocitnem niekde na víkend preč a musím sa zbaliť s rozumom a odmietať všetky vnútorné pohnútky, aby som si so sebou vzala celú skriňu a polovicu kúpeľne.
Although, this year I didn't really have a chance to travel further than to the neighboring country, from time to time I find myself out for a weekend and I have to pack clever and refuse all internal instincts to pack the whole closet and half of the bathroom as well.

A keďže si nechcem brať všetky veci, hlavne produkty v "plnej verzii", vždy sa zídu cestovné balenia. A ak ste ako ja a máte radi svoje overené značky, ktoré ale nevyrábajú v cestovnej veľkosti, určite by ste nepohrdli praktickými prázdnymi baleniami, ktoré môžete naplniť čím len chcete.
As I don't really want to bring a lot of stuff with me, especially full-size products, travel sized packaging always comes in handy. And if you have your favorite brands like I do and they don't come in travel size, you surely wouldn't spurn practical empty packaging that you can fill with anything you want.

Sú sklenené, ale veľmi ľahké, znovu použiteľné a naplniť ich môžete čím len chcete a zakaždým to môže byť čosi iné.
Nie ste tak obmedzení na cestovnú sekciu v drogérii, ktorá je, povedzme si pravdu, obmedzená sama o sebe. A ešte k tomu aj dobre vyzerajú!
Made of glass, light, reusable and you can fill them up with any kind of product you want and it can by something else every time you pack. This way you don't have to rely on travel section in your local drugstore, which, to be honest, is very limited (at least here)! Plus, they look great!

Parfumy, krémy, masky, suché šampóny, čistiace vody, tekutý make-up... hocičo. A všetko vopcháte do jednej tašky. Osobne som najviac vďačná za nádobku na parfum. Ten sa zíde úplne vždy a nemusím tak nosiť síce pekný, ale nepraktický flakón, všade kam idem.
Perfumes, lotions, masks, dry shampoos, cleansers, liquid foundations... anything. And you can fit it all in one bag. Personally, the perfume packaging is my favorite one. It always comes in handy and you don't have to bring the whole flacon (beautiful but not practical) of perfume everywhere you go.

Zvyčajne nerada rozprávam o produktoch a spoločnostiach Ale, ak sa mi ich produkty javia zaujímavé natoľko, že ich chcem vyskúšať a v konečnom dôsledku sa mi aj páčia, neváham sa o tom podeliť s nikým. A ako možno viete, som zástanca filozofie "zachráňme planétu", preto vždy odporúčam používam sklo namiesto plastu.
Je to o malých veciach, ktoré môžeme zmeniť v každodennom živote.
I don't usually like to talk about products or companies. But when I find their product attractive enough for me to try and actually like it, I don't hesitate to talk about them and share my experience. And as you might know, I'm big fan of the whole "save the planet" thing, thus I always recommend to use glass over plastic.
It's really about the little things we can change in our everyday life.

Allinpackaging ponúka omnoho viac. Nešpecializujú sa na sklenené nádobky ani nič podobné. Ale vždy môžete urobiť múdre rozhodnutie :)
Allinpackaging offers much more than this. They don't specialize on glass containers; you can choose from variety of products. Just remember you can always make a smart decision :)

A balenie malých nevyhnutností už nemusí byť nočnou morou ;)
And packing your essentials doesn't have to be a nightmare anymore ;)
Love, Em

List of products in photos:

22 októbra, 2016

Oh lovely Budapest

English version

Two weeks ago I got a chance to visit Budapest. Again. 
I guess it became kind of a tradition to reunite here with my friends from the time I was working at Summer camp in the US.

This year I couldn't go (back to US), because I'm not a student anymore. Instead of that I needed to find a job and not enjoy my summer the way I really wanted - back at camp.
Fortunately, I could go to Camp Reunion party - Prom night edition - that took place in beautiful Budapest.

I was so excited to see my friends again.
And it was all and even more that I wanted.
We partied hard, we sang, danced, drank, slept, chilled and enjoyed ourselves. Sadly, we don't have almost any pictures from the party and we looked so fancy (at least at the beginning)!

Because of the fact we got to see lot of the city last year, this year was not about sightseeing anymore. We went out and saw some of the parts of the city we didn't have a chance to see before, but other than that, we just spent all of our time hanging out together in our friends' apartment, which I'm still surprised no one called police there.
We were loud and obnoxious. At one point there were maybe even 20 people just dancing and singing and having fun.

Budapest got me good for the second time. I just hope this will be our tradition for next couple of years. Cuz this might be the only time I get to be with my friends in one place at one time.
Can't wait for the next year.

20 augusta, 2016

5 Things I love about living in the city!

Slovak/English version

Nemôžem povedať, že by som doteraz žila niekde v lese, no len posledný rok môžem skutočne zhodnotiť, aké to je žiť vo väčšom meste (rozumej: väčšie mesto v slovenskom pomere).
V októbri minulého roka som sa presťahovala do Bratislavy - hlavného mesta. Žijem tu, pracujem tu, mám tu priateľov, jednoducho tu fungujem. Sú veci, ktoré na živote v meste milujem a veci, ktoré nemám rada. Tu sú tie, ktoré si celkom užívam:
I'm not saying I was living in the woods until now, but for the last year I can actually review what is like to live in the bigger city (understand: bigger city in Slovakia). 
Last year in October I have moved to Bratislava - the Capital. I live here, work here, have friends here and simply function here. There are things I love about living in the city and things I don't. 
Here are some I quite enjoy:

1. Atmosféra. Všetky väčšie mestá nikdy nespia. Sú plné ľudí, turistov. Každý sa prechádza malými úzkymi uličkami, vdychuje atmosféru Starého mesta sediac v malých kaviarňach, pozorujúc iných ľudí, rozprávajú sa, smejú, jedia a žijú. Skutočne to môže byť magické miesto na trávenie dlhých večerov.

1. Atmosphere. Every bigger city never sleeps. It's filled with people, tourists. Everybody is walking through small narrow alleys, breathing in the atmosphere of the Old Town, sitting in small cafés watching other people, talking, laughing, eating and living. It can be truly magical place to spend long evenings.

2. Nekonečné západy slnka. Samozrejme, mesto je omnoho príjemnejšie počas leta. Západy slnka sú neskutočné. Keďže bývam na 12-tom poschodí, vidím ich takmer každý večer a nikdy sa mi to nezunuje... aj keď západom slnka v horách sa to nevyrovná.
2. Endless sunsets. Of course, the city is more enjoyable in the summer. The sunsets are just incredible. As I live on the 12th floor, I can see them almost every evening and It never gets old watching them... although it's not comparable to sunsets in the mountains.

3. Jedlo. Je tu omnoho viac možností stravovať sa tak, ako to vyhovuje vám. Nemusím si variť každý deň, len aby som mala to, čo chcem jesť. Ľahko (niekedy menej ľahko) to nájdem aj v okolitých reštauráciách :)
3. Food. There are much more options to eat as you desire. I don't have to cook for myself everyday just to eat what I want. I can easily (sometimes not so easily) find it in local restaurants :)

4. Kultúra. Ako veľký fanúšik divadla si skutočne užívam, že ich je tu hneď niekoľko. Na koncerty síce nechodievam, ale ak by som veľmi chcela, určite by som nemala problém nejaký nájsť. Často sa však ocitnem v kine. O rôznych akciách, spoločenských udalostiach ani nehovorím, vyberie si skutočne každý!
4. Culture. As a huge fan of Theatre I really enjoy the fact there is lot of them in the city. Although I'm not a big "concert person", I see no problem to find any if that is your thing. Lot of the times I find myself in the cinema tho. I'm not even going to talk about different social events, everybody finds something to do!

5. Možnosti! Či už žijete v malom meste alebo na dedine, viete, že možnosti akosi chýbajú. A to vo všetkom. Veľké mesto, veľké možnosti, stačí si vybrať!
5. Options! Whether you live in small city or even a village, you know there is lack of options when it comes to almost everything. Big city, big opportunities, all you have to do is choose!

Living in the city has its perks. Overall, I kind of enjoy it here for now.

Keep exploring new places!
Love, Em

29 mája, 2016

Vegan is NOT boring!

Slovak/English version

Začína to tu byť celé o jedle. Veď človek sa má zaujímať o to, čo najviac miluje ;)
It starting to be all about the food. Well, people should be interested in what they love the most ;)

Najbežnejšia vec, ktorú ľudia hovoria mne alebo ktorémukoľvek vegánovi je, že musí byť veľmi nudné jesť dookola tie isté jedlá. Nejakým spôsobom je úplne v poriadku, keď ľudia jedia kurča alebo pizzu takmer každý deň, no keď ja jedávam ryžu, fazule a zeleninu, je to nesprávne. Nuž, oni sú tí, ktorí sú nesprávni alebo len zle informovaní. 
The most common thing people say about me or anyone being vegan is that it must be so boring to eat the same food all the time. Somehow It´s ok when people eat chicken or pizza on a daily basis, but when I eat rice, beans and vegetables it´s just wrong. Well, they are wrong or just not informed enough.

Chocolate brownies

Rice bowl and fresh salad

Byť vegánom neznamená jesť šalát úplne stále. Existuje toľko možností, z ktorých si môžeme vybrať. Doslova všetko má dnes svoju vegánsku verziu. Zaberie to len o trochu viac času vyhľadať si všetky potrebné informácie. 
Being vegan is not about eating salad all the time. There are so many options we can choose from. Literally everything has a vegan option. It just take a little bit more time to get informed.

Avocado toast with soy spread and Italian "ham"

Just strawberries, cuz they look so delicious!

Sushi plate?! (Don´t know what to call it.)

Jesť vegánsky je farebné, kreatívne, zdravé, chutné a bez krutosti. Nenapadá mi nič iné, čo by sme od svojho jedla mohli chcieť.
Eating vegan is colorful, joyful, creative, healthy, yummy and cruel free. I can´t think of anything else we need when it comes to food. 

Pasta with tomato sauce, salad and nutritional yeast for cheesy flavor!

A dokonca si nemusíte všetko variť doma. V dnešnej dobe, kedy je našťastie "boom" vegánskych reštaurácií, sa najete pomerne hocikde. A vyberiete si aj v reštauráciách, kde vegánske jedná nepodávajú - lebo ryžu, zemiaky a grilovanú zeleninu vám dajú takmer všade ;)
You don´t even have to cook all the time. Nowadays, when luckily there is huge boom when it comes to vegan restaurants you can eat out almost anywhere. You can choose even from non-vegan restaurants - because they serve rice, potatoes and grilled vegetables almost everywhere ;)

Vegan take-out

Mám rada, keď sa ma ľudia pýtajú prečo a ako, bez toho, aby ma súdili. Bohužiaľ, takých je málo, lebo každý žije vo vlastnej bubline a vegánstvo je pre väčšinu extrém, ktorým si len škodíme. 
I really like when people ask me why and how, without judging me. Unfortunately, it´s just a few of them, because everybody lives in their little bubble and veganism is just extreme that can cause harm.

Stay informed!

Love, Em

23 apríla, 2016

Quick and Easy Vegan Dishes

Slovak/English version

Jarná čerstvá zelenina a ovocie ma konečne motivovali k tomu, aby som si doma viac varila  a pripravovala jedlo, namiesto toho, aby som sa stravovala vonku. A aj keď mi to niekedy trvá viac času, viem, že by som ho nestrávila o nič efektívnejšie ;)
Fresh spring veggies and fruit finally inspired me to cook more and prepare food for myself instead of eating out all the time. Although, sometimes it is time consuming, I know, I wouldn´t spend that time more effectively ;)

Ovsené vločky s mrazeným a čerstvým lesným ovocím, banánom, chia semiačkami a kokosom
Oatmeal with frozen and fresh berries, bananas, chia seeds and coconut

Čerstvý šalát s rukolou, jahodami, paradajkami a reďkovkami
Fresh salad with rocket, strawberries, cherry tomatoes and radish

Sushi misa - pre lenivých :) V postate všetko, čo ide do vegánskeho sushi, len to nezabalíte
Sushi bowl - for lazy ones :) Basically everything that goes into vegan sushi, you just don´t roll it

Pečené zemiaky, šalát z avokáda, rukoly a hocijakej zeleniny, ktorú máte po ruke
Baked potatoes, salad from avocado, rocket and whatever veggies you have on hand

Brokolicová polievka - najjednoduchšie, čo môže byť :)
Broccoli soup - easiest thing ever :)

Niečo sladké - rozmixované banány s kakaom, kokosom a posypané kakaovými bôbmi
Something sweet - mixed bananas with cocoa powder, coconut and sprinkled with cocoa beans

Wrap s mexickou nátierkou, zeleninou a kečupom (ten dávam takmer do všetkého)
Wrap with Mexican spread, veggies and ketchup (I put ketchup into almost everything) 

Nie som žiadny kuchár, na varenie vôbec nie som trpezlivá, a preto mám rada rýchle recepty. Najviac sa v mojom jedálničku uchytili zemiaky, ryža, avokádo a v podstate kadejaká sezónna zelenina a ovocie. Tiež milujem sladké!
Najobľúbenejší spôsob varenia? Mixovanie ;)
I´m not a chef by any means. I´m not patient for cooking what so ever, which is why I prefer quick recipes. Most favorite things in my menu are potatoes, rice, avocado and basically all seasonal veggies and fruits. I also love sweets!
Most favorite way of cooking? Mixing ;)

Love, Em