Možno ste si všimli, možno nie, ale pred časom som postla príspevok, v ktorom som hovorila o tom, že som sa dala na vegánstvo - môžete si ho prečítať TU. Dozviete sa prečo, ako to začalo, aké to malo účinky a sľúbila som, že vás budem informovať, či v tom pokračujem a ako postupujem ďalej.
Nuž, je to tu, úspešne som ukončila druhý mesiac!
You may have noticed, maybe not, but while ago I posted blog about me going vegan for the very first time. You can read all about it HERE. You will learn why, how it all started, what I experienced so far. I promised I will keep you updated.
Well, here it is, I successfully completed the second month!
Nuž, je to tu, úspešne som ukončila druhý mesiac!
You may have noticed, maybe not, but while ago I posted blog about me going vegan for the very first time. You can read all about it HERE. You will learn why, how it all started, what I experienced so far. I promised I will keep you updated.
Well, here it is, I successfully completed the second month!
Neviem, či som sa na to dala v ten správny čas, a to mesiac pred Vianocami, ale prišlo to prirodzene a musím povedať, že som to prekvapivo zvládla. A tým mám na mysli, že som nezjedla ani jeden koláč, nič z vajec, mliečnych výrobkov, žiadne pečivo a, samozrejme, mäso. A všetci dobre vieme, aké je to na Vianoce ťažké!
I don´t know if I started at right time - one month before Christmas, but it came naturally and I have to tell you - I, surprisingly, managed to do that pretty well. And by that I mean that I did not eat any christmas cookies, no eggs, dairy products, no bread, and of course meat.
And we all know how hard it is during Christmas!
I don´t know if I started at right time - one month before Christmas, but it came naturally and I have to tell you - I, surprisingly, managed to do that pretty well. And by that I mean that I did not eat any christmas cookies, no eggs, dairy products, no bread, and of course meat.
And we all know how hard it is during Christmas!
Väčšinu roka sa nezdržiavam doma, a preto je pomerne jednoduché stravovať sa tak, ako chcem. Všetci ale poznáme, že keď sa vrátime domov na Vianoce, preplnené stoly a návštevy nás vedia celkom potrápiť. Nuž, tento rok som potrápila návštevy ja :D A to preto, lebo jednoducho nevedeli, čo mi môžu ponúknuť a čo nie. Nemusíte hneď všetkým vravieť, že ste vegán, vegetarián (čokoľvek) stačí povedať, že si neprosíte alebo na to jednoducho nemáte chuť :)
Most of the year I´m not at home, so it´s a lot easier for me to eat the way I want. We all know, when we come home for Christmas, all this food, full tables and family visits can be pain it the ass. Well, this year I was pain it the ass for our family visits :D Simply because they didn´t know what they can offer me to eat and what not. You don´t have to tell them right away that you are vegan, vegeterian (or whatever), just politely say you don´t want to or you are not hungry :)
Most of the year I´m not at home, so it´s a lot easier for me to eat the way I want. We all know, when we come home for Christmas, all this food, full tables and family visits can be pain it the ass. Well, this year I was pain it the ass for our family visits :D Simply because they didn´t know what they can offer me to eat and what not. You don´t have to tell them right away that you are vegan, vegeterian (or whatever), just politely say you don´t want to or you are not hungry :)
Čo mi pomohlo?
- Dajte rodine a priateľom vedieť ako sa stravujete, čo konzumujete a čo nie, prečo to robíte a ako vám môžu pomôcť. Možno (a veľmi pravdepodobne) bude ťažšie pre nich zvyknúť si na túto zmenu, než pre vás praktizovať ju.
- Informujte sa. Na internete nájdete už skutočne čokoľvek. Hľadajte si recepty, zaujímajte sa o všetky aspekty vášho nového životného štýlu, motivujte sa!
- Nebojte sa "maškrtiť". Možno sa zdá, že si musíte niečo odtŕhať od úst, no existuje neskutočne veľa sladkého, slaného, všetkého, čo len chcete a uspokojí to vašu potrebu.
- No a pomohlo mi hlavne ovocie a veľa vody.
What helped me the most?
- Tell your close family and friends about it, about what you eat, what not, why are you doing it and how they can help you. Maybe (very likely) it´s going to be much harder for them to get used to it, than for you to actually do it.
- Inform yourself. Internet is endless source of information. Search for recipes, be interested in your new lifestyle, motivate yourself!
- Don´t be afraid to munch on things! Maybe it looks like you need to limit yourself when it comes to food, but that is not true. There are so many vegan (vegeterian) options for you to choose from.
- Fruits and lot of water helped me as well.
Čo bola najväčšia výzva?
- Keď vidíte všetky tie veci, ktoré by ste si za "normálnych" okolností dali. Je to ale len o sile zvyku. V konečnom dôsledku je váš tanier omnoho farebnejší a chutnejší.
- Keď si celá rodina uvarí niečo na obed a vy si ho varíte osobitne.
- Keď sedíte pri telke a na stole nie je okrem koláčov a tyčiniek nič iné. Rada nad zlato: zaobstarajte si sušené datle!
What was the biggest challenge for me?
- When you see all those things, you would eat under the "normal" circumstances. It is just about breaking the habit. Afterall your plate is probably much more colorful and tastier than ever.
- When your whole family eat something for lunch and you need to cook for yourself separately after them.
- When you are sitting by TV and all you can see is table full of christmas cookies and other things you don´t eat. Golden advice: buy yourself some dates!
A tak posúvam svoju challenge o ďalší mesiac a znovu sa vám ozvem ako pokračujem. A nie, nie je to moje novoročné predsavzatie!
So, I´m going to try another month and I will keep you updated. And no, it´s not my new years resolution!
PS: Ak sa zaujímate o podobnú formu stravovania, tu je niekoľko užitočných linkov, ktoré vás motivujú a poskytnú informácie, ktoré potrebujete :) Tieto poznajú už takmer všetci, no mal by ich vidieť úplne každý! Zameriavajú sa na zdravotnú aj etickú stránku, nech už máte akúkoľvek motiváciu začať.
PS: If you are interested in starting this lifestyle, here are some useful links, which give you some information you need as well as some motivation :) I´m sure, lot of you already know these, but everybody should see them! They cover health side of this lifestyle as well as ethical one, no matter what are your reasons to start.
Stay healthy ;)
Love, Em