Tento rok sa mi síce nepodarilo cestovať ďalej ako do susednej krajiny, sem-tam sa ale ocitnem niekde na víkend preč a musím sa zbaliť s rozumom a odmietať všetky vnútorné pohnútky, aby som si so sebou vzala celú skriňu a polovicu kúpeľne.
Although, this year I didn't really have a chance to travel further than to the neighboring country, from time to time I find myself out for a weekend and I have to pack clever and refuse all internal instincts to pack the whole closet and half of the bathroom as well.
Although, this year I didn't really have a chance to travel further than to the neighboring country, from time to time I find myself out for a weekend and I have to pack clever and refuse all internal instincts to pack the whole closet and half of the bathroom as well.
A keďže si nechcem brať všetky veci, hlavne produkty v "plnej verzii", vždy sa zídu cestovné balenia. A ak ste ako ja a máte radi svoje overené značky, ktoré ale nevyrábajú v cestovnej veľkosti, určite by ste nepohrdli praktickými prázdnymi baleniami, ktoré môžete naplniť čím len chcete.
As I don't really want to bring a lot of stuff with me, especially full-size products, travel sized packaging always comes in handy. And if you have your favorite brands like I do and they don't come in travel size, you surely wouldn't spurn practical empty packaging that you can fill with anything you want.
Sú sklenené, ale veľmi ľahké, znovu použiteľné a naplniť ich môžete čím len chcete a zakaždým to môže byť čosi iné.
Nie ste tak obmedzení na cestovnú sekciu v drogérii, ktorá je, povedzme si pravdu, obmedzená sama o sebe. A ešte k tomu aj dobre vyzerajú!
Made of glass, light, reusable and you can fill them up with any kind of product you want and it can by something else every time you pack. This way you don't have to rely on travel section in your local drugstore, which, to be honest, is very limited (at least here)! Plus, they look great!
Parfumy, krémy, masky, suché šampóny, čistiace vody, tekutý make-up... hocičo. A všetko vopcháte do jednej tašky. Osobne som najviac vďačná za nádobku na parfum. Ten sa zíde úplne vždy a nemusím tak nosiť síce pekný, ale nepraktický flakón, všade kam idem.
Perfumes, lotions, masks, dry shampoos, cleansers, liquid foundations... anything. And you can fit it all in one bag. Personally, the perfume packaging is my favorite one. It always comes in handy and you don't have to bring the whole flacon (beautiful but not practical) of perfume everywhere you go.
Perfumes, lotions, masks, dry shampoos, cleansers, liquid foundations... anything. And you can fit it all in one bag. Personally, the perfume packaging is my favorite one. It always comes in handy and you don't have to bring the whole flacon (beautiful but not practical) of perfume everywhere you go.
Zvyčajne nerada rozprávam o produktoch a spoločnostiach Ale, ak sa mi ich produkty javia zaujímavé natoľko, že ich chcem vyskúšať a v konečnom dôsledku sa mi aj páčia, neváham sa o tom podeliť s nikým. A ako možno viete, som zástanca filozofie "zachráňme planétu", preto vždy odporúčam používam sklo namiesto plastu.
Je to o malých veciach, ktoré môžeme zmeniť v každodennom živote.
I don't usually like to talk about products or companies. But when I find their product attractive enough for me to try and actually like it, I don't hesitate to talk about them and share my experience. And as you might know, I'm big fan of the whole "save the planet" thing, thus I always recommend to use glass over plastic.
It's really about the little things we can change in our everyday life.
Allinpackaging ponúka omnoho viac. Nešpecializujú sa na sklenené nádobky ani nič podobné. Ale vždy môžete urobiť múdre rozhodnutie :)
Allinpackaging offers much more than this. They don't specialize on glass containers; you can choose from variety of products. Just remember you can always make a smart decision :)
A balenie malých nevyhnutností už nemusí byť nočnou morou ;)
And packing your essentials doesn't have to be a nightmare anymore ;)
And packing your essentials doesn't have to be a nightmare anymore ;)
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