14 septembra, 2015

Trip USA - San Francisco

Druhou zastávkou na našom tripe bolo San Francisco. Tu už som sa dala dokopy so skupinkou chalanov, s ktorými sme si tento trip plánovali počas leta. A tak sme ja, dvaja chalani z Poľska a jeden z Maďarska nasadli na lietadlo a vydali sa na ďalšie dobrodružstvo.
Next stop during our trip was San Francisco. Here I´ve got together with my real travel buddies - 2 guys from Poland and one from Hungary. We got into a plane straight ahead our next adventure.

Po veternom, ale krásnom Chicagu sme sa konečne tešili na teplejšie počasie. Ani neviem prečo, ale mysleli sme si, že tam bude teplo. Nebolo. Vystúpili sme z lietadla a opäť nás čakal vietor.
After windy, but still beautiful Chicago we were so excited to experience sun and warm weather. I don´t even know why we thought It´s super-hot in SF. It was not! We got off the plane and the wind was waiting for us.

Boli sme unavení a chceli sme si konečne odložiť kufre a ubytovať sa. Bolo celkom zložité nájsť si lacné ubytovanie. Rozdelili sme sa ale na dve skupinky. Chalani z Poľska si zohnali Couchsurfing a ja s kamarátom sme si rezervovali hostel. Po prvotnom šoku z nie celkom prívetivej atmosféry hlavnej ulice Market street a z pochybného hostela, sme sa vybrali na prechádzku po meste. Ani tá nás, bohužiaľ, nepresvedčila o krásach tohto mesta.
We were super tired and just wanted to put away our luggage and check in to our hostel. It was pretty hard to find cheap one here. At this point we split in two groups. Polish guys did Couchsurfing and me and my Hungarian buddy went to this not so cheap hostel in the most ghetto area of the city. After the initial shock of not entirely welcoming atmosphere of the Market Street and dubious hostel, we went for a walk through the city. Even this, unfortunately, did not convince us about the beauties of this city.

Keď ste svedkom dílovania drog, šialených ľudí, ktorí pobehujú s nožom za opaskom či pouličných gangov, ktorým sa vyhýbate ako sa len dá, prvý dojem isto nie je pozitívny. Nepomohol tomu ani nepretržitý zápach trávy, ktorý sa šíril po celom meste. A tak prišlo prvý deň sklamanie.
Nálada sa nám zdvihla, keď sme ponavštevovali Pier, China Town, Little Italy a podobné štvrte, ktoré už pôsobili o čosi živšie a ľudskejšie.
When you witness drug dealing, mad people running around with a knife in a belt or street gangs, which you try to avoid as much as possible, the first impression is certainly not positive. Continuous smell of weed did not help either, it was spread all around the city. And so came the first day of disappointment.
The mood got better when we visited Pier, China Town, Little Italy and similar districts.

Ďalší deň konečne vykuklo aj slniečko a mali sme namierené, kam inam, na Golden Gate Bridge. Ten sa skutočne oplatilo vidieť, ale dovolím si tvrdiť, že je to jediné lákadlo tohto mesta. Tiež sa nám páčilo v Golden gate parku. Večer sme sa previezli povestným Cable car. Stihli sme tiež Russian Hill a Lombard street. Tieto časti sme si užili a konečne sme sa cítili ako na skutočnom tripe.
The next day the sun finally showed up and we headed to the one and only Golden Gate Bridge. It is really worth seeing, but I would say that this is truly the only attraction of this city. Also we quite enjoyed Golden Gate Park. In the evening we tried Cable Car. We also managed to go to Russian Hill and Lombard Street.

Strmé uličky San Francisca sú čarovné. Mesto malo čosi do seba cez deň aj v noci (to už sme sa ale báli o vlastný život).
Po pár pivách, stretnutiach s divnými domácimi, šváboch v izbe a po sprche, ktorá sa nachádzala na konci tej najstrašidelnejšej chodby, sme zhodnotili, že sa to oplatilo vidieť a zažiť, no už by sme sa tam pravdepodobne nevrátili.

Steep streets of San Francisco are truly magical. The city had something special to offer during the day as well as at night (to be honest by this time we were afraid for our lives).
After a few beers, meet-ups with strange natives, cockroaches in the hostel room and after the shower, which was located at the end of scariest hallway ever, we assessed that it was worth to see and experience, but we wouldn´t probably return.

Next stop? LA!

Keep travelling!
Love, Em

4 komentáre:

  1. Glad to hear the mood got better! I'd love to visit the golden gate bridge :)

    Corinne x

  2. No wau, tolik krásy v jednom článku!!! Závidím! Chci tam taky :)

    1. Ak budeš mať možnosť, určite sa tam choď pozrieť. Dva dni tam ale úplne stačia :)
