Po nie tak veľmi slnečnom, ale o to horúcejšom Los Angeles nás čakalo ešte väčšie peklo. Teda aspoň čo sa počasia týka. Mali sme namierené doslova do púšte. Kde inde ako do samotného Las Vegas!
After not so sunny, but very hot Los Angeles even bigger hell was waiting for us. At least when the weather is concerned. We headed straight to the desert. To the one and only Las Vegas!
Do Vegas sme sa dostali prostredníctvom jedného čínskeho zájazdu. A tak sme sa my štyria - asi najbelšia skupinka cestujúca po Amerike, a ďalších 40 Ázijcov vybrali do mesta, ktoré nikdy nespí.
Po niekoľkohodinovej ceste v autobuse sme sa mohli konečne ubytovať. A bývali sme teda v riadnom "baráku". Priamo v najvyššej budove Las Vegas v hoteli Stratosphere.
We got to Vegas through one Chinese tour. So, four of us - probably the whitest group of people traveling the States - and 40 Asians went to the city that never sleeps. After couple of hours in the bus we were finally able to check-in to our hotel. And we were living in the best one. Right in the tallest building in Las Vegas - Stratosphere hotel.
We got to Vegas through one Chinese tour. So, four of us - probably the whitest group of people traveling the States - and 40 Asians went to the city that never sleeps. After couple of hours in the bus we were finally able to check-in to our hotel. And we were living in the best one. Right in the tallest building in Las Vegas - Stratosphere hotel.
Musím povedať, že som sa tu cítila skutočne ako na dovolenke. Cez deň si oddychujete, večer sa vyobliekate a idete do ulíc. Do ulíc, ktoré vás lákajú tisícimi svetlami, množstvom ľudí, hudbou a životom, ktorý si bežne neužívate v takej miere. Tu sme ale boli vo Vegas. Čakali na nás kasína, hracie stroje, noc žiarivejšia než celé dni a vôľa užiť si to naplno.
I have to say that I really felt like I´m on holiday at this point of our trip. You relax during the day, you dress up in the evening and go to the streets. The streets that attract you with thousands of lights, a lot of people, music and life that we usually don´t enjoy to the full. But here we were in Vegas. Casinos were waiting for us, slot machines and night more radiant than the whole day.
Prvú noc sme sa teda vybrali do kasín. Povedala som si, že obetujem pár dolárov. Inak by sa mi ani nerátalo, že som vo Vegas vôbec bola. A hneď som mala aj šťastie. Sadla som si za prvý stroj a rozhodla sa, že tam vhodím dolár. Spočiatku ani nefungoval, no keď som potiahla za páku druhý raz, vyhrala som 5 dolárov. Šťastie som už nešla ďalej pokúšať a odišla som s pocitom, že som vyhrala v jednom z najväčších a najznámejších kasín v Las Vegas - v Ceasar Palace.
We then went to casinos the first night. I told myself that I´m willing to spend a few dollars. Otherwise, I would not even feel like I was in Vegas. And I was lucky immediately. I tried the first slot machine and decided to put one dollar there. Although it did not work at first, when I pulled the lever a second time I won $ 5. I didn´t try my luck for the second time and I left with the feeling that I won in one of the largest and most famous casinos in Las Vegas - The Ceasar Palace.
Na ďalší deň sme mali namierené do Grand Canyonu. Na túto časť som sa osobne tešila úplne najviac. Lebo som vedela, že príroda nás jednoducho nemôže sklamať. A nesklamala. Výhľady, na ktoré sa môžete pozerať celé hodiny. Nebezpečné skaly, na ktoré sa ale odvážite ísť, lebo čo by človek neurobil pre perfektnú fotku?
The next day we headed to the Grand Canyon. I enjoyed this part of the journey the most. Because I knew for sure that the nature can´t fail us. And it didn´t. Views, which you can watch for hours. Dangerous rocks, which you are willing to climb, because what one wouldn´t do for the perfect picture?
Taktiež sme navštívili priehradu Hoover dam, ktorú sa mi ale nepodarilo odfotiť.
We´ve also visited Hoover dam, but unfortunately I was not able to take a good picture of it.
Ako sa hovorí, čo sa stalo vo Vegas, zostane tam. Nám sa síce nič podobné ako vo filme Hangover nestalo, no mali sme jeden večer, ktorý sa niesol v znamení kapitána (ak viete, čo myslím). Potom sme sa dlhé hodiny rozprávali, zabávali a možno sme sa dozvedeli aj to, čo sme v skutočnosti vedieť nechceli.
As they say, what happened in Vegas stays there. Although nothing like Hangover movie didn´t happen to us we had one honest (understand drunk) evening when we talked for hours enjoying ourselves and maybe we learned what we actually didn´t want to know at all.
V tejto horúčave sme strávili ešte jeden deň a neskoro v noci sme mali naplánovaný let do Philadelphie. Ušetrili sme tak za ubytovanie, no vôbec sme sa nevyspali. Takto sa teda začala posledná časť nášho tripu.
We spent one more day in this heat and we had a scheduled flight to Philadelphia later that night. We have saved some money for accommodation, but we didn´t sleep at all. Thus began the last part of our trip.
We spent one more day in this heat and we had a scheduled flight to Philadelphia later that night. We have saved some money for accommodation, but we didn´t sleep at all. Thus began the last part of our trip.
Welcome to New York!
Keep wining!
Love, Em
Ty Elvis weddings mi úplně připomínají ten klip Maroon 5 Sugar :)
ha ha celkom máš pravdu :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťTenhle výlet ti teda fakt závidím! Las vegas musí být super! Hezký fotky))
OdpovedaťOdstrániťĎakujem. Bolo tam krásne, ale horúco :)
OdstrániťKrásne fotky♥. Závidím ti :D. Páči sa mi mesto a určite tam chcem niekedy ísť.