10 januára, 2016

Home is where I am

Slovak/English version

Prednedávnom som sa presťahovala do takmer nezariadenej izby. Najskôr som z toho nemala celkom radosť, no potom som si uvedomila, že mi to dáva možnosť zariadiť si izbu celkom podľa seba.
A keď máte v meste IKEU, ide to ešte ľahšie!
I have moved to almost unfurnished room recently. At first, I was not quite happy about it, but then I´ve realized it give me an opportunity to furnished and decor it how I really want to. 
And when there is IKEA in the town, it is even easier to do so!

Jeho meno je Diego/His name is Diego!

Izba je malinká, no o to útulnejšia.
The room is very small, but cozy.

Chýba mi ešte dosť vecí. Nejaký obraz a komoda do prázdneho rohu. S týmito maličkosťami mi, samozrejme, pomáha bezodná studnica inšpirácie - Pinterest.
There are few things I still need to get. A painting of some sort, chest of drawers to an empty corner I have here. Of course, Pinterest as an infinite well of inspiration - is always helping me.

A ako môžete vidieť, som celkom posadnutá svetielkami.
And as you can see I´m kind of obsessed with fairy lights.

Love, Em

06 januára, 2016

Vegan sushi - First attempt

English version

I wanted to try to make my own sushi for the longest time. When I finally decided I´m gonna do it I went to our local supermarket and, of course, they didn´t have everything I needed.

But I wanted to just try If I´m able to do it, so I bought sushi sea weed, sushi rice, soy sauce and vegan ingredients to put inside.

Sushi rice 

Soy sauce

Veggies: You can put inside anything you like. I used onion, cucumber, avocado and carrots + seasoning.

 And sushi sea weed 

So I didn´t have wasabi and pickled ginger (which I love a lot). And I didn´t have the bamboo thing you are supposed to roll the sushi in.
Despite these facts I think I did a decent job. It was not perfect (way too much rice), but it tasted good, which is the most important part.  

Bon appetit!