25 mája, 2014

Almost the end?

Scroll down for english version

A je to tu. Koniec semestra sa nezávratne blíži a žalúdok sa mi začína sťahovať viac a viac. Tentoraz to však nie je kvôli skúškam či prešvihnutému počtu absencií. Čaká ma to aj tento rok, dokonca vo väčšej intenzite, v jazyku, ktorý sotva ovládam a v dvoch krajinách, ktoré sú môjmu srdcu najbližšie. To však nie je to, čo vháňa hrču do môjho krku a takmer slzy do mojich očí, keď sa pozriem na kalendár. 
Sedím, okno mám otvorené dokorán, nohy vyložené na parapete, slnko mi dopadá na tvár, letný vánok vháňa peľ a hmyz rôzneho druhu do mojej izby a ja sa cítim šťastnejšie než kedykoľvek predtým.
Prosím, zastavte čas!

Koniec sa však nenávratne blíži. Už len mesiac a vraciam sa späť domov z môjho študijného pobytu v Poľsku. Realita ma prefacká hneď ako vystúpim z vlaku v rodnom Ružomberku. Dorobiť skúšky! Nájsť si prácu! Pomáhať s domácimi prácami! Nemyslieť na to, že najkrajšie obdobie môjho mladého študentského života sa definitívne skončilo! Taký je plán.

Samozrejme, že sa teším. Rodina, priatelia, slovenské jedlo, hory a začínajúce sa leto. No viem, že ma budú sprevádzať myšlienky na skvelých ľudí, ktorých v budúcnosti stretnem len veľmi ťažko. A tu si to uvedomujú všetci. Keď spolu sedíme vonku, alebo niekde popíjame pivo, už to nie je len bezstarostný smiech. Každý už dobre vie, že si musí vážiť tie posledné chvíle, ktoré spolu trávime.

Nechcem, aby to vyznelo ako koniec sveta alebo niečo podobné. Jednoducho, takto sa teraz cítim.
Koniec koncov som vďačná a šťastná, že som tu mohla byť, spoznať neskutočných ľudí, navštíviť nádherné miesta... a samozrejme, aj škola bola v pohode. Ale buďme úprimní, pre edukatívne účely som tu určite nešla ;) ... Naučila som sa však omnoho viac ako mi ktorékoľvek vyučovanie mohlo kedy dať. Človek sa naučí nielen o iných, no predovšetkým o sebe.

Užívajme si dnešok, tešme sa na zajtrajšok!

Love, Em


Here it is. The end of the semester is about to come and my stomach is starting to feel anxious more and more. This time, however, it is not about exams or about high number of classes I´ve missed. It´s waiting for me this year as well, even in higher intensity, in language I´m barely familiar with, in two countries that are closest to my heart. Still, this is not why I have this huge lump in my throat and almost tears in my eyes, when I look at the calendar.
Sitting with window wide open, legs high up in it, sun is shining, falling down on my face, summer breeze blowing in pollen and insect of many different kinds and I feel happier than ever.
Please, stop time!

But the end is almost here. Just a month and I will come back home from my study stay in Poland. Reality is about to slap me really hard once I get out of the train in my hometown - Ružomberok. Finish exams! Find a job! Helping with household! Not think about the fact, that the most wonderful time of my young life as a student is over! That's the plan.
Of course, I´m looking forward to see my family, friends, enjoy Slovak food, mountains and beginning summer. But I know that I will be accompanied by thoughts of great people that I´ve met here and It´s going to be very difficult to see them again. We all realize this here. When we sit outside together or drinking beer somewhere, it's not just a carefree laugh anymore. Everyone already knows that we have to cherish those last moments we spend together.

I don´t want it to sound like the end of the world or something... Simply, this is how I feel right now. After all, I´m really happy, that I had a chance to be here, meet great people, visit beautiful places... and of course, school was pretty good as well. But let´s be honest, I was not here for educational purposes, for sure ;) ... But I´ve learnd much more than any kind off class could ever get me. We don´t learn just about the others, but especially about ourselfs.

Enjoy today, look forward to tomorrow!

Love, Em

14 mája, 2014

The Reuse Revolution

Musím sa priznať, že "pravú kávu" som sa nikdy nenaučila piť. Dobrým cappuccinom alebo niečím podobným však nikdy nepohrdnem. A na druhej strane som veľký milovník čaju. 
Pred tromi rokmi som sa presťahovala do internátnej izby, kde som "vychytala" hornú časť dvojposchodovej postele. Prečo tento príbeh? Nuž preto, lebo keď som chcela mať lenivý deň v posteli alebo som sa tam učila a už som sa teda raz vytrepala na tú posteľ, tak som si tam zobrala všetko, čo potrebujem - jedlo, knihy, počítač. Dokonca som si tam natiahla aj kábel od internetu. Jediné, čo mi chýbalo ku šťastiu bola moja obľúbená šálka zeleného čaju, ktorý som si tam z očividných dôvodov nemohla zobrať. Knihy tiež čítam zásadne v posteli. A čo je to čítanie knihy bez šálky dobrého čaju, všakže. Možno sa to zdá hlúpe, ale práve pre tento dôvod som si zaobstarala pôvodný KeepCup, ktorý je odvtedy mojím najlepším priateľom, lebo leňošenie v posteli sa posunulo na ďalší level!
Samozrejme, odvtedy som objavila množstvo iných skvelých vlastností, ktoré tento farebný kamarát ponúka. Cestujem pomerne veľa, či už z domu na internát, zo školy domov, alebo pracovne a poviem vám, nie je nič lepšie ako mať zo sebou KeepCup, lebo nikdy neviete, kedy dostanete chuť na váš obľúbený horúci nápoj. 

A teraz sa na trhu objaví táto božská sklenená verzia? Yes, please!

Môj je zo série KeepCup Brew Alchemy - Green, veľkosť S.
(Nebojte nič, je aj veľkosť M, pre tých, ktorí potrebujú ráno väčší energetický kopanec.)

Trochu faktov nikdy nie je na škodu:
Káva "on the go". Také módne, také obľúbené a také hriešne. Vieme si ale asi len ťažko predstaviť, čo to znamená pre našu planétu. Vedeli ste, že jednorázové poháre majú každoročne na svedomí 54 miliónov zoťatých stromov a približne 4,5 milióna ton odpadu? Sánka padla dole aj mne. KeepCup, ako večný posol dobrých správ, je riešením. Tieto neskutočne milé, štýlové, farebné a hlavne praktické poháriky sú znovupoužiteľné. Ani barista nemá proti čomu protestovať a taktiež ani vaša umývačka riadu. A aj u Matky prírody si urobíte osobné očko. 

A takto zväčša začína môj deň:

Mám ho len krátko a už so mnou stihol precestovať zopár pekných kútov Poľska. Najbližšie ho beriem do Krakova ;)

A neobišla ho ani večerná hodina poľštiny.

Už si ho stačí iba vychutnať!

Love, Em

PS: Viac informácií nájdete tu: 

12 mája, 2014

Zakopane rewind

From all of the places I visited in Poland, Zakopane was my favourite one. 
Not only because we were there all together and it was for free and they fed us five times a day with delicious food and we were living in a fancy hotel... But mostly because these kind of places are close to my heart. Beautiful nature, everything is so traditional and folk. Also it was close to my hometown and for the first time in months we were surrounded by gorgeous nature, which I miss the most about Slovakia.

First it was kind of overwhelming for me. Suddenly there are two buses full of erasmus students and it felt like a school trip. Well, it was a school trip, but a little different. You remember when you were younger on a school trip, when the bus driver stopped for a "pee break" and you were all sitting on the ground eating your snacks? It also happend here and it was kind of funny. I don´t really know why.

We were surprised (at least me) with great organization and with everything they prepared for us - when it comes to programme and also accommodation and food. 

But what was the most incredible thing about this whole trip, was the fact, that we were able to spend time together as a group, which is impossible durign the school week, because we live in different cities, we are studying different things in different buildings. So you can olny imagine what was happening, when this hotel was full of young foreign people, who wanted to have fun. Exactly, it was crazy, lot of drinking, lot of dancing - first night we had our own DJ, but he was there alone for at least two hours, so I felt kind of sorry for him, but later, when we came there, we were dancing all night (by all night I mean until 1 o´clock, because the party starter pretty early, which was unusual for most of us). I guess that after this night they decided that we don´t need any DJ, so they just gave us a stereo and we played whatever we wanted. 

It was fun watching all hangover people next morning during breakfast. 
First day we went to city center of Zakopane, because it was raining and trip to mountains was impossible in this condition. Although we were soaking wet, it was nice and everybody bought lot of traditional Polish souveniers. I wasn´t an exception:

 Next day we went to the mountains. It was just a nice walk with a lot of mud, but overall it was really nice. Especially after three days of eating and drinking and doing nothing. 

And finally, they took us on top of some mountain. I can´t remember name of it, but it doesn´t matter, because... just look at this:
SOOOOOO beautiful :)

At the end of the day, It really doesn´t matter where you are or how great the place is. The only important thing is if you are there with someone you can share this experience with. If I was not there with my friends, It would be just another place I visited, just another meaningless memory.
Because the best thing about memories is making them with your friends.

Love, Em

06 mája, 2014

Party gif compilation

We all know it. Once you start scrolling throuhg gifs, you got caught in and one hour later you decide that you want to see more. (What am i doing with my life? Good question, don´t have the answer.) While I was scrolling through them, I came across some funny ones and I decided to make this stupid compilation. 
Anyway, we all love parties (actually, I don´t like them that much) and we all know how it goes from start till the next morning. Can you relate?

Who´s ready to party?

It always starts so innocent:

Then it ends like this:

When it comes to dancing!
What guys think they look like while dancing:

What they really look like:

What girls think they look like while dancing:

What they really look like:

After a while you realize it is 5 in the morning:

Then you need to wait for the first morning bus or taxi and your body can not handle it anymore:

You finally got home.
And someone is trying to wake you up in the morning:

What to say here... We all know this "morningafter" party urge:

Get ready for school day buddies ;)

Love, Em

PS: Friendly advice: party hard, but never forget to put bottle of water next to your bed before the party ;)