From all of the places I visited in Poland, Zakopane was my favourite one.
Not only because we were there all together and it was for free and they fed us five times a day with delicious food and we were living in a fancy hotel... But mostly because these kind of places are close to my heart. Beautiful nature, everything is so traditional and folk. Also it was close to my hometown and for the first time in months we were surrounded by gorgeous nature, which I miss the most about Slovakia.
First it was kind of overwhelming for me. Suddenly there are two buses full of erasmus students and it felt like a school trip. Well, it was a school trip, but a little different. You remember when you were younger on a school trip, when the bus driver stopped for a "pee break" and you were all sitting on the ground eating your snacks? It also happend here and it was kind of funny. I don´t really know why.

We were surprised (at least me) with great organization and with everything they prepared for us - when it comes to programme and also accommodation and food.
We were surprised (at least me) with great organization and with everything they prepared for us - when it comes to programme and also accommodation and food.
But what was the most incredible thing about this whole trip, was the fact, that we were able to spend time together as a group, which is impossible durign the school week, because we live in different cities, we are studying different things in different buildings. So you can olny imagine what was happening, when this hotel was full of young foreign people, who wanted to have fun. Exactly, it was crazy, lot of drinking, lot of dancing - first night we had our own DJ, but he was there alone for at least two hours, so I felt kind of sorry for him, but later, when we came there, we were dancing all night (by all night I mean until 1 o´clock, because the party starter pretty early, which was unusual for most of us). I guess that after this night they decided that we don´t need any DJ, so they just gave us a stereo and we played whatever we wanted.
It was fun watching all hangover people next morning during breakfast.
First day we went to city center of Zakopane, because it was raining and trip to mountains was impossible in this condition. Although we were soaking wet, it was nice and everybody bought lot of traditional Polish souveniers. I wasn´t an exception:
Next day we went to the mountains. It was just a nice walk with a lot of mud, but overall it was really nice. Especially after three days of eating and drinking and doing nothing.
And finally, they took us on top of some mountain. I can´t remember name of it, but it doesn´t matter, because... just look at this:
SOOOOOO beautiful :)
At the end of the day, It really doesn´t matter where you are or how great the place is. The only important thing is if you are there with someone you can share this experience with. If I was not there with my friends, It would be just another place I visited, just another meaningless memory.
Because the best thing about memories is making them with your friends.
Love, Em
Yehhhh! Such a cool post! :) Amazing photos as well :)